Art Museum New Section 美術館新區開放Going upstairs to the new open area. 上樓囉 去新開放的展覽區This picture looks very 3 D. We look like we are on the shelfs. 這張照片看起來很立體 我們很像在架子上So cruel.真是殘忍A lot of status are missing the heads. But this one is complete for some reason.很多雕像的頭不見了 不過這個竟然有頭This is wood carve with color. 這個是木雕印刷 上面上了顏色 When it stamp on a paper, it becomes a picture. 印在紙上就變成一副畫了African art.非洲藝術品What a terrible bird真是隻壞鳥Can you believe there is slush in ancient Egypt?你能相信古代已經有思樂冰了嗎?The outside garden is open to the public in the summer外面的花園也開放了, xiao-pang!ㄚ 快跑小胖!I have to take a picture of this scene because it looks like a postcard. Xiao-pang and Mijin are looking at the fishes; they look like they are holding hands. 我看到這個景象一定得照一張 看起來像明信片的場景 小胖和Mijin在看鯉魚 看起來他們好像在牽手There are three weddings going on today. 今天有三場婚禮在這照相How lovely three people are真是和諧的三人組.

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